
Novel Magic: Sorchia's Book Reviews

Four Book Reviews! If I’m going to read, I figured I might as well write reviews. I’m happy to report that every book I’ve picked has been a solid 4 or better. This has not always been the case. Spoiler Alert: One of these books got my first 5-Star rating on NetGalley. You won’t see this very often. Fantasy, Mystery, and Magic Abound! Take a peek at my reviews. Every one of these is well-worth a read! My scale is the standard 5-star system. If I can’t give a book at least a 3, I won’t post a review. Threes are good with defects. Fours are really, really good with a few minor issues. Fives are mind-bogglingly fantastic with very few or no errors that pulled me away from the story. You can find these reviews and more of mine on NetGalley, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. Book Review of Marshlights by Joy Ellis Get your snacks, make a comfy nest, and enjoy a trip to the fenlands. It’s no real mystery w...

Novel Magic: Haunted Hotels and A Witch's Quandary

A haunted hotel and a new book– A Witch’s Quandary by Tena Stetler–keep things spooky in Sorchia’s Universe this week. Read all about it and don’t forget to enter N.N. Lights Summer in the Sun Book Giveaway. The Haunted Imperial Hotel by Tena Stetler Before I give you a glimpse between the pages of my new release, A Witch’s Quandary . I wanted to tell you about a city near where I live. With its wild and turbulent past, Cripple Creek has a history of unexplained, supernatural occurrences, no wonder it’s earned the reputation of one of the most haunted towns in America. Tales of haunted Cripple Creek hotels, casinos, and homes flourish. The Imperial Hotel at Third Street and Bennett Avenue known originally as the Collins Hotel, was built after most the town burned to the ground in 1896. As a young man, George Long emigrated from Europe and eventually made his way to Denver. He married his first cousin and together they ran the hotel. The union produced two ...

Novel Magic: Body Conscious by Ana Diamond

Cozy mystery author Ana Diamond gives us a peak at her latest book, Body Conscious , and tells a little about her creative process. I’d love to hear more about her research!! Why I write Cozies by Ana Diamond I write cozy mystery because I like intrigue and romance. I also like the idea of a character taking matters into their own hands. Usually, the first line of a manuscript comes to my mind and then it goes from there. I knew I wanted to write about an amateur sleuth but how my mind decided to make my heroine a mortician is anyone’s guess. I do work in healthcare and tend to have a dark side. I have no experience working in a funeral home but I found the research into this world interesting. I think it’s important to give value to everyone’s profession, even if it’s slightly morbid. In terms of favorite authors I would say Charlaine Harris and Jeanienne Frost both have sassy heroines who take no prisoners.  Body Conscious by Ana Diamond Mortician, Lily Reynolds is used to...

Novel Magic: Arthurian Legend Retold

Who can resist a good King Arthur story? I have to agree with my guest that the women in the classic tale often come off a little shrewish–possibly because the legend has traditionally been told by men–or is that just me? Author Kelley Heckart talks about what inspired her to approach the tale from another angle. And she’s giving away a free ebook! Why I wrote White Rose of Avalon by Kelley Heckart There have been so many great books written about King Arthur and Avalon, so why would I decide to write one? I’ve found that all of the stories I’ve read on this subject only gloss over the romance and love triangle between Arthur, Lancelot, and Gwenhwyfar. Most books focus on Gwenhwyfar’s betrayal to Arthur and paint her as a sinful woman. As a strong-willed female whose role models growing up were Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xena Warrior Princess, and Joan Jett, this didn’t sit well with me. Why is the woman always to blame in an affair? Last time I checked, it takes two to...

Novel Magic: Mayan Vampires

Leave a comment for a chance to get a Free Copy of this week’s featured book, Prophecies of the Mayan Undead by Fiona McGier. How did she dream her way out of writer’s block? Oh, and there are vampires! When a character talks directly to the author, you have to listen! by Fiona McGier I’ve always maintained that I get my best ideas for books from my dreams. I’ve woken up with entire story arcs–the details of the story unfold as I write them. I often have characters talking in my mind, showing me scenes of their lives, or the conversations they have. They especially like to do this when I’m in the shower–or driving long-distance on a highway. I’ve even gotten used to the abuse they give me when I don’t have time to write. Sometimes they yell at me, demanding that I write their stories immediately.  Sometimes they pout and go quiet on me, which isn’t a bad thing when I’m uber-busy and can’t get any time to wr...

Novel Magic: Death By Sample Size

Do you keep a journal? Author Susie Black tells how her journal became the spark for a mystery series. How a Daily Journal Became a Novel by Susie Black Before I became an author, I was a sales exec in the ladies’ swimwear industry. During my career, I kept a daily journal. I documented all the quirky, interesting, and yes, sometimes quite challenging people I encountered and the zany situations I often found myself in. The daily journal is the foundation of all my writing. I have often been asked if my writing style is that of a plotter or a pantser. In other words, do I plan the whole story out or do I write it with no game plan in mind just by the seat of my pants? My answer is neither. My writing style is a hybrid. I plot the beginning and the end of the story, but I give the characters free rein in the middle and let them take the plot wherever they want to get to the end. The result is I often end up with a story quite different than the one I originally envisioned. The cha...

Novel Magic: A Psychological Thriller

If the past year and a half has taught us anything, it’s that people are weird–sometimes in a sweet and charming way and sometimes not so much. We’ve been stressed out and we’ve dealt with other stressed out people, so let’s ratchet that up with a psychological thriller. Take a peek at Encounter by Alana Lorens and tell me what is scarier–vampires and ghosts or real people. You’ll find a code to get a copy of Encounters for only 99 cents. Be sure to check out two chances to get free books. Act fast- The Magic is Everywhere Giveaway ENDS June 15. What Scares you the Most? by Alana Lorens I’m the first person to acknowledge that I love stories with a psychological twist, a real gut scare. Many times those stories take place with a malevolent spirit, a fantasy boogieman or other ethereal hoodoo. But, to me, far scarier is human nature and the things we humans will do to each other.             ...