
Showing posts with the label paranormal romance

Novel Magic: Voices in Her Head with Paranormal Author Tena Stetler

Good Morning, Sorchia! I’m so happy to be here. As you know, I have a new release, A MAGIC REDEMPTION. But first let me share a few things you may find interesting. The paranormal realm is my universe. I’ve written about vampires, witches, demons, angels, shifters, faeries, psychics, well you get the idea since I was able to put pen to paper and make sense of it. I have to say my mother was less that impressed. As a child I had terrible night frights (less in my adult life). It worried my mom so badly that she took me to the doctor. His diagnoses, an over active imagination and I’d grow out of it.Well, I didn’t. Do I believe these things exist? Depending on the day, I’d say there is more in the world than most people are comfortable believing. Point in fact. Over twenty years ago, I had this horrible nightmare in great detail that a plane crashed in an open field south of my city. It felt so real, I was distraught but anyone I told chalked it upto night frights and over active imaginat