Novel Magic: Sorchia's Book Reviews
Four Book Reviews! If I’m going to read, I figured I might as well write reviews. I’m happy to report that every book I’ve picked has been a solid 4 or better. This has not always been the case. Spoiler Alert: One of these books got my first 5-Star rating on NetGalley. You won’t see this very often. Fantasy, Mystery, and Magic Abound! Take a peek at my reviews. Every one of these is well-worth a read! My scale is the standard 5-star system. If I can’t give a book at least a 3, I won’t post a review. Threes are good with defects. Fours are really, really good with a few minor issues. Fives are mind-bogglingly fantastic with very few or no errors that pulled me away from the story. You can find these reviews and more of mine on NetGalley, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. Book Review of Marshlights by Joy Ellis Get your snacks, make a comfy nest, and enjoy a trip to the fenlands. It’s no real mystery w...