Novel Magic: The Hollow King by Tasarla Romaney
The Hollow King by Tasarla Romaney–this week’s Novel Magic feature–has everything we love! Enter the giveaway for a gift card and two free books! A Favorite Villain–excerpt from The Hollow King by Tasarla Romaney Not only does The Hollow King have magic, adventure, fantasy creatures, it also has my favorite villain. I loved writing Ovezara. Here’s a brief glimpse of her… The glass orb sailed through the air and smashed against the stone wall. “He’s alive and at the hag’s door,” Ovezara screamed. The mud men sank back as she stalked around the chamber. “Mistress, he is far from winning.” A zombie whose name she couldn’t recall leaned against a fireplace mantle. The sorceress growled and raised her hand to smite the thing. “Really, Ovezara. If you try to destroy my favorite minion, it will take centuries to train a replacement. Your replacement.” Trelek stepped into the room. The keeper’s gaze was hard. T...